

Old West Side Renovation


Amy Etz Design - interior design collab, scott - cabinet maker


ann arbor, mi


build in progress Winter 2024-Spring 2024


design, build


Living in the old west side of Ann arbor certainly has its charms and its challenges. One of the biggest challenges of this home was to bring the amenities and the luxuries of modern living into a tiny footprint. ONe way to maximize space in the kitchen was to remove an existing window that looked out onto neighbor’s trash bins and add two windows above the new sink looking out into the backyard. the wall between the kitchen and dining room was also removed to allow for more counter space. The peninsula counter between the kitchen and dining adds some division while still keeping the spaces visually connected. A new glass slider leads out onto a new porch fully equipped with a doggy ramp (we love our furry friends!). The upstairs bath was also due for a makeover. the plumbing fixtures were rearranged to give the tiny bath som more breathing room. Two skylights are added to the sloped portion of the ceiling to add some extra height and light. the new luxury tub becomes the showpiece of this bathroom when you walk in. The new cabinets are custom built to maximize storage and to look more modern. We are super excited to see the finished photos!